Monday 18 October 2010

Evaluation Made Easy **Click Here**

As managers we invest a significant amount of time and money in developing our people.

But how can we measure the impact of this investment and ensure that it is being maximised?

With more and more demands on our time we need an easy way of monitoring how this investment is improving performance and achieving the outcomes we want.

This workshop will equip managers with practical tools and techniques to effectively measure how investment in learning and development has improved the perfomance of their team.

Click here to view our Website page

Personal Development Tools **Click Here**

Kent Learning & Development offer a wide and diverse range of personal development tools that can be used at any stage in your work or personal life to enhance and reinforce strengths, or highlight and focus on areas that you would like to develop.

Our team are fully qualified and hold level A/B certificates in occupational testing from the British Psychological Society.

Click here to view our Website page

'The One' Team Development **Click Here**

Hassel free team development at a realistic price.

Team Development events give the team time to take advantage of the opportunity to work together in a safe environment , develop their understanding of each other and focus their energies.

'The One' is the latest addition to our team development product range. Working in partnership with a trusted, high quality provider, we have designed this 'off the shelf' package in line with deman for realistically priced team development events.

Click here to view our Website page