Monday 22 August 2011

Leading Kent 2014 **Click Here**

This excellent leadership in place training and development programme is run by the renowned Roffey Park Institute. Public policy is driving leadership training and development in Kent towards a new leadership model that promotes collaboration and joint exploration of issues, with decisions that are built on solid, evidence-based deliberation.
Place based leadership seeks to overcome the fragmentation of service delivery by focusing and integrating resources to support comprehensive community change. This new public service delivery approach requires a new set of leadership rules and capabilities that transcend current organisation leadership thinking. This leadership in place programme will enhance your ability to lead across boundaries, understanding organisational interdependencies, culture and systems.

Duration: 5 days split into - 1 x 2 day and 3 x 1 day
1 x 2 day residential - 10 & 11 October 2011 - Maidstone
3 x 1 day modules - 14 November 2011, 6 December 2011, 17 January 2012 - Maidstone

Click here to view our website page

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